Saturday, July 30, 2011

TED--New Innovation in Business Storytelling

Effective business storytelling, which is a part of branding, is vital for businesses to be successful these days. The profit margin and return business will increase tremendously if businesses will utilize business story effectively. Different social media like blogging, facebook, YouTube, and TED are outlets used for business storytelling. There are tons of videos on YouTube,, etc. that show some of the many ways to utilize this tool for one's business.

There were one speech in the "Best of the Web" speeches collection at that inspired me as it relates to the entertainment industry. The link was by Patsy Rodenburg who is a popular vocal acting, and regular acting coach. She is in most demand in her profession, and even for some famous actors. Her link in the "Best of the Web" feature in was called "Why I do theater | Video on".

I chose this link because she talked on an aspect of how one can use the talent of acting for a good cause. It moved the audience and me because she helped changed someones life in a positive way with her talent. She gave the story of a person who apparently had been going through some things, thus, he did not have the best perspective in some ways with certain types of acting. He also was undergoing challenges in a relationship. Nevertheless, he had a change of heart with a performance saying that he was glad that the performer told the truth. This performance changed his mate and him for the better.

This speech didn't help me to develop a deeper understanding of the speaker or topic; however, it did confirm how effective one can be in utilizing their talents and tools such as TED to reach people. This passion is what drives Ms. Rodenburg which is probably one or maybe even the main reason why she is so good in her profession.

In reviewing this blog, I was inspired more than ever to utilize my business skills, tools such as TED, and talent to make a difference. It made me even more optimistic about the future.


Rodenburg, P. (2008, October). Why I do theater | Video on Retrieved on July 30, 2011 from

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Important Issues Concerning the Recording Industry Association of America

The Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) is the trade organization that supports and promotes the creative and financial vitality of the major music companies. Its members are the music labels that comprise the most vibrant record industry in the world. RIAA® members create, manufacture and/or distribute approximately 85% of all legitimate recorded music produced and sold in the United States. In support of this mission, the RIAA works to protect the intellectual property and First Amendment rights of artists and music labels; conduct consumer, industry and technical research; and monitor and review state and federal laws, regulations and policies. (RIAA, 2011)

We are only halfway through 2011, and the sales of digitally produced music on the Internet has increased 3.6 percent as opposed to the first half of 2010, and individual tracks have grown 11 percent from over the last few years. Additionally, digital albums have grown up to 19 percent compared to the previous year so far. These statistics are from Nielsen SoundScan.

Artists such as Lady Gaga, Eminem, Black Eyed Peas, and Adele have made millions this year achieving platinum, and multi-platinum sales. With thanks to LimeWire's closure, for instance, downloading illegally have been reduced to under half than it was previously. All of this information is great news; however, it's still not time to open the Champagne bottle as we need to remain cautious, and work on more anti-piracy tactics. Rather it is to improve on the existing anti-piracy devices and/or to invent more anti-piracy devices, we need to continuously strive to ensure hardworking artists are getting their justifiable fruit of their labor.

Another great victory for recording artists is the tremendous increase in venture capital lending; however, there is the issue over the PROTECT IP Legislation. Investment from venture capital has grown from $200 million in 2004 to $3 billion in 2010. This is wonderful news for us; however, there are concerns from many venture capitalists that this bill will stifle investment for the development of Internet music. While the legislation says that they are working on lowering the risk of overseas rogue websites in trafficking, many VCs have the concern mentioned above. On the other hand, other venture capitalists think that this bill will enable more lending for the development of Internet music.

There are great, optimistic opportunities for recording artists, small and large. With continuous improvements for our protection, this market will be grand.


RIAA. (2011). RIAA. Retrieved on July 24, 2011 from